An upgrade to the fluidPage function available in the 'Shiny' package
fluidPage( ..., id = NULL, header = NULL, sidebar = NULL, class = NULL, style = rand.sc13, = NULL, modal.header.links = NULL )
... | The elements to include within the body of the page |
id | OPTIONAL. Identification tag of the container |
header | OPTIONAL. Items to display in the header section (use the titlePanel() function to set this property). |
sidebar | OPTIONAL. Items to display in the sidebay section (use the sidebarPanel() function to set this property). |
class | OPTIONAL. Class name for the container |
style | OPTIONAL. Various unique styles choices from 1 - 12 | | OPTIONAL. Choice to change the background color of the container. Use HEX values such as #FFFFFF or RGB code such as rgb(255,255,255) or simple color name such as 'lightblue' |
modal.header.links | OPTIONAL. One or more list containing links that appear when the app title is clicked. To remove, set to NULL |
A rendered HTML of the container holder of the application items
This global layout can be applied to a variety of shiny app and dashboard, with or without a sidebar. See the example below.
# \donttest{ if (interactive()) { library(shiny) library(nextGenShinyApps) shiny::shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( style = "6", header = titlePanel(left = "Sample App Title", right = "Image/logo"), sidebar = sidebarPanel( title = "myApp", "Sample sidebar content" ), "Sample body content" ), server = function(input, output) {} ) } # }