Create a simple body containing a header and a content for the main body

dashboardBody(header, ...)



OPTIONAL. Items to display in the header section (use the titlePanel() function to set this property).


The elements to include within the body of the modal


An HTML of the body of the page


Endeavor to use as standalone and not within the fluidPage, as this function it already called within fluidPage


dashboardBody( header = titlePanel( left = "Sample nextGenShinyApps Title", right = shiny::icon("user") ), "sample text for main body" )
#> <div class="page-content-wrapper"> #> <header class="page-header" role="banner"> #> <div class="page-logo"> #> <a href="#" class="page-logo-link press-scale-down d-flex align-items-center position-relative" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal-shortcut"> #> <span class="page-logo-text mr-1">Sidebar</span> #> <span class="position-absolute text-white opacity-50 small pos-top pos-right mr-2 mt-n2"></span> #> <i class="fa fa-signature d-inline-block ml-1 fs-lg color-primary-300"></i> #> </a> #> </div> #> <div class="hidden-md-down dropdown-icon-menu position-relative d-none will be added in next version"> #> <a href="#" class="header-btn btn js-waves-off" data-action="toggle" data-class="nav-function-hidden" title="Hide Navigation"> #> <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> #> </a> #> <ul> #> <li> #> <a href="#" class="btn js-waves-off" data-action="toggle" data-class="nav-function-minify" title="Minify Navigation"> #> <i class="fa fa-grid"></i> #> </a> #> </li> #> <li> #> <a href="#" class="btn js-waves-off" data-action="toggle" data-class="nav-function-minify" title="Lock Navigation"> #> <i class="fa fa-lock"></i> #> </a> #> </li> #> </ul> #> </div> #> <h2 class="mr-auto d-flex">Sample nextGenShinyApps Title</h2> #> <div class="hidden-lg-up d-none"> #> <a href="#" class="header-btn btn press-scale-down" data-action="toggle" data-class="mobile-nav-on"> #> <i class="ni ni-menu"></i> #> </a> #> </div> #> <div class="ml-auto d-none d-md-flex"> #> <i class="fa fa-user"></i> #> </div> #> </header> #> <main id="js-page-content" role="main" class="page-content">sample text for main body</main> #> </div>